KHAZARIA b) Bulan The first Khazar Kagan [King] and his conversion story. The story first appears in the Kazari published in 1700s*? c) many different story lines exist to tell the story. 1. Yehudah ha-Levi (c. 1080-1141). 1.1 an angel appears to Bulan and tells him "Your way of thinking is pleasing to God, but not your way of acting." 1.2 Bulan consults a philosopher, and informs him of his idea; that either the Christian or Muslim religion is the right way of ‘acting’ 1.3 Bulan consults a christen sage and says "I do not see any logical conclusion here; indeed, logic rejects most of what you have said.... I cannot accept these things... My duty is to investigate further." 1.4 He then invited an Islamic mullah [to his court], questioning him regarding his doctrine and observance. After talking to the Mullah he said "Indeed, I see myself compelled to ask the Jews, because they are the relic of the Children of Israel. For I see that they constitute in themselves the evidence for the divine law on earth." 1.5 (after inviting the rabbi) The rabbi replied: "I believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, who led the children of Israel out of Egypt with signs and miracles; 1.6 After this [conversation] the Khazar king traveled to the caucuses (mountains) and came upon a cave where Jews had observed the Sabbath. The King was circumcised. The King only revealed this to his special friends and when his community of Jews had increased (several more upper-class Khazars then converted) he made the affair public d) Another story involves the Khazar king inviting three sages to his court. A Christian, Muslim and Jewish sage were summoned. The Jew was said to already be at his disposal [Koestler] and only the other 2 were summoned. The three of them argued and the story goes.......** e) The other theory is based on a Jewish manuscript that said the Khazars converted when an Army general became king. Hello, my friends. This is Dr. Beter in Washington. Today is Sept. 30, 1979, and this is my AUDIO LETTER® No. 50. ... And so the Khazar Empire expanded until it occupied large areas of what is now Russia and southeastern Europe. By the 8th Century, the Khazar Empire extended northward to Kiev and westward to include the Magyars, the ancestors of modern Hungary. In about 740 A.D., a stunning event took place. The Khazars had been under continual pressure from their Byzantine and Moslem neighbors to adopt either Christianity or Islam; but the Khazar ruler, called the Kagan, had heard of a third religion called JUDAISM. Apparently for political reasons of independence, the Kagan announced that the Khazars were adopting Judaism as their religion. Overnight an entirely new group of people, the warlike Khazars, suddenly proclaimed themselves Jews—adoptive Jews. The Khazar kingdom began to be described as the “kingdom of the Jews” by historians of that day. Succeeding Khazar rulers took Jewish names, and during the late 9th Century the Khazar kingdom became a haven for Jews from other lands. Meanwhile the brutal Khazar domination over other peoples continued unchanged. But then a new factor appeared on the scene. During the 8th Century they came coursing down the great rivers—the Dnieper, the Don, the Volga. They were the eastern branch of the Vikings. They were known as the Varangians, or as the Rus. Like other Vikings, the Rus were bold adventurers and fierce fighters; but when they tangled with the Khazars, the Rus often ended up paying tribute like everyone else. In the year 862 a Rus leader named Rurik founded the city of Novgorod, and the RUSSIAN NATION was born. The Rus Vikings settled among the Slavonic tribes under Khazar domination, and the struggle between Vikings and Khazars changed in character. It became a struggle by the emerging nation of Russia for independence from Khazar oppression. Over a century after the founding of Russia’s first city, another momentous event took place. Russia’s leader, Prince Vladimir of Kiev, accepted baptism as a Christian in the year 989. He actively promoted Christianity in Russia, and his memory is revered by Russians today as “Saint Vladimir”; and so a thousand years ago Russia’s tradition as a Christian nation began. Vladimir’s conversion also brought Russia into alliance with Byzantium. The Byzantine rulers had always feared the Khazars, and the Russians were still struggling to free themselves. And so in the year 1016, combined Russian and Byzantine forces attacked the Khazar kingdom. The Khazar Empire was shattered, and the kingdom of the Khazars itself fell into decline. Eventually most of the Khazar Jews migrated to other areas. Many of them wound up in eastern Europe, where they mingled and intermarried with other Jews. Like the Semitic Jews some 1000 years earlier, the Khazar Jews became dispersed. The kingdom of the Khazars was no more. ... As they moved and lived among the Jewish people, the Khazar Jews passed on a distinct heritage from generation to generation. One element of the Khazar Jew heritage is a militant form of ZIONISM. In the view of Khazar Jews, the land occupied by ancient Israel is to be retaken—not by miracle but by armed force. This is what is meant by Zionism today, and this is the force that created the nation which calls itself Israel today. The other major ingredient of the Khazar Jew heritage is hatred for Christianity, and for the Russian people as the champions of the Christian faith. Christianity is viewed as the force which caused the ancient so-called kingdom of the Jews, the Khazar kingdom, to collapse. Having once dominated much of what is present-day Russia, the Khazar Jews still want to reestablish that domination—and for a millennium they have been trying continually to do just that. ... In 1917 the Khazar Jews passed a major milestone toward the creation of their own state in Palestine as I mentioned last month. That same year they also created the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. There followed a Christian holocaust, the likes of which the world has never seen. The Khazar Jews were once again in control of Russia after more than 900 years, and they set about the task of destroying Christianity by destroying Christians—over 100-million of them, and at the same time over 20-million religious Jews also died at the hands of the Khazar Jews. This, my friends, is what the Russian Christians were up against in their 60-year struggle to overthrow the atheistic Bolsheviks; but they finally succeeded in their overthrow program, and now the 1000-year-old war between the Russian Christians and the Khazar Jews is reaching a climax. At stake is not only the future of Russia and of Christianity, but also of the Jewish people as a whole. ... Last month on August 19, 1979, Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum died in New York. He died in the morning, and was buried the same afternoon. Very short notice, and yet some 100,000 Jewish men arrived in time for the funeral. It is hard to imagine how many more hundreds of thousands could not arrive on such short notice. A month later, on September 18, his followers placed a memorial tribute by way of a paid advertisement in the New York Times, and clearly it spoke for many Jews. Among other things it said, quote: “He was the undisputed leader of all Jews everywhere who had not been infected by Zionism”; and also, quote: “With a courage all too rare in our time, he called the Zionist state ‘a work of Satan, a sacrilege, and a blasphemy.’ The shedding of blood for the sake of the Zionist state was abhorrent to him.” ...